Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Value and Revitalizing Power of Nature

Maddie and Ken, two of our interns, write about how their experiences at Fenner take them back to their childhood memories of being out in nature, and how vital it is to get out and enjoy the nature we have here at Fenner.

Growing up, my parents used to take my brother and I camping every summer. We both quickly developed an appreciation for nature and spending time outside. I love walking around the trails at Fenner because it reminds me of when I used to go camping with my family.
It’s so peaceful walking or biking through the woods behind the nature center; it really helps to clear your mind. Listening to the chatter of the birds in the trees, the wind in the leaves and the scurry of the chipmunks chasing each other through the brush relaxes your mind and puts you at ease.
When I need to take a break from writing press releases or updating Fenner’s website, I like to take little walks on the trails. It’s not only good exercise for my body but it exercises my mind and heightens my senses.  You don’t just hear the sounds of the forest, you are engulfed in a canopy of green leaves and smells of wildflowers and blooming trees fill your nose.
The trails remind me of my childhood because we used to take nature walks or bike rides on trails similar in the Northern parts of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula.  Up there, roadside parks are more common and they have nice trails for walking in the woods. 
I would like to encourage anyone who’s reading this to visit Fenner Nature Center in the near future and just take a walk; it can really do wonders to revitalize mind, body and soul.
--Maddie Brady, Marketing Intern--

When I was a kid my dad used to regularly take me out to a place called Crabtree nature center in Barington, Illinois. I didn’t realize it at the time – I was simply enjoying walking the trails, seeing the flying squirrels in the nature center, and accidentally dropping my gum into the turtle tank – but those times were building in me a deep, lifelong appreciation for the natural world. They were also some of my favorite times spent with my dad when I was younger.

Fenner is a lot like Crabtree, without having to drive four hours to get there. Every time I see a family come through – see the kids go wide-eyed at what they experience, and seeing the parents get excited about learning alongside their kids – I realize how valuable and positive and formative a place like Fenner is. I’m excited about the opportunity to intern here this summer, and help Fenner continue to grow and thrive. My folks have talked about coming out for a visit this summer. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to give my dad a tour of Fenner, and to simply say ‘thanks’ for spending time with me as a kid.

--Ken Sattler, Fund Development Intern--

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